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Richardson Collection


Elwin “Rich” Richardson meticulously collected a vast array of political and historical Americana for more than four decades. He and his family traversed the country, scouring antique shops and garage dales, attending antique and political Americans shows, and visiting presidential museums and libraries.


Piece by piece, his family home became a museum. He adorned it with thousands of presidential portraits and posters, banners and broadsides, busts and statues, plaques and bronzes, china and glassware, campaign buttons and badges, tokens and metals, bobble heads and figurines, hats and canes, and numerous folk art pieces. There are literally several collections within the whole, and even an entire room full of “Uncle Sam” memorabilia. In addition, he amassed a library of nearly 1000 books, as well as binders full of campaign pamphlets and political ephemera of every description.


We are delighted that they chose the Association for a Buffalo Presidential Center as the museum to showcase the collection. Soon we will be displaying parts of the collection at our new site within the Buffalo and Erie County Library, 1 Lafayette Square, as well as on our website.


We hope you enjoy viewing this collection and look forward to your feedback.

Images of select items from our collection

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